Direct multi-camera tracking with multiple cameras and Jacobian factorization?

I recently read the paper entitled A direct approach for efficiently tracking with 3D Morphable Models by Muoz et al (published in ICCV 2009). I was curious whether their technique for pre-computing some of the derivatives could extend to both multiple cameras and to a skinned mesh (as opposed to a set of basis deformations). I spent a couple days understanding, implementing, and trying to extend this idea. This blog and accompanying document is a summary of my results and relies heavily on the ideas in that paper. The pdf document, rigidtrack2 ,contains my thoughts (roughly). Most of them are concerns about speed, gradient equivalency, etc.

Here are some videos of the tracking (the left/top uses a an image-based Jacobian), and the right uses Jacobian computed in the texture space with factorization. The pose of the object in the middle is being inferred from the surrounding images. Notice that the bottom/right video has a mistrack.

Links to the other videos are here:





Those prefixed with “fact” use factorized; those prefixed with image use the non-factorized image Jacobian. The suffix is how many of the images are used.

The factorized Jacobian seems to perform worse, and is slightly slower, but this may be due to implementation error. It loses track in this example sequence (which has either four or one cameras), mostly due to the fast motion.

I have also uploaded the code: rigid-tracker-src.tar. It is kind of a mess, and won’t compile unless you have some of my other libraries. Check the TODO to see any limitations. But it may be useful if someone is considering implementing the same paper.

The blender sequences, .obj, and png files: RigidTrack2.tar

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