Posts Tagged cameras


Capture from multiple libdc1394 /firewire cameras on different hosts. Each host can have several cameras. The library bases the multi-host communication on the pvm library. Higher level classes are used to develop the UI (Qt)

Mode of operation assumes that recorded files will be sent back and used in post processing. Files can be encoded on the client side (using mencoder) and then transferred back, or saved in a raw binary form for transfer after. Alternatively, for short sequences, or when the disk or encoding is a bottleneck, the client side saves images in memory buffers and transfers them after the recording is complete. Raw files from multiples hosts are merged and can be viewed with a simple multi-video viewer. File transfer is done with a combination of scp/ssh and TCP/IP sockets; as such it will probably take some effort to port to windows.

MCap supports changing features and settings, or loading configurations of cameras from files (in a crude manner).

Mcap screenshot

Issues: changing video modes sometimes causes failures (possibly due to trying to allocate more bandwidth than the1394 bus can handle). Failure is painful due to

Planned (Maybe): add ability to plugin framesinks (for transfer, encoding), or other filters and processing so the client can do processing in real-time applications.

To come: possibly a system architecture, source code, and some videos.


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