Posts Tagged ARAP

Iterative mesh deformation tracking


Patches on mesh (left) and a different target mesh

Another idea that interested me from ICCV (or 3DIM actually) was related to tracking deforming geometry, using only raw geometry no color. The paper in particular ( Iterative Mesh Deformation for Dense Surface Tracking, Cagniart et al.) didn’t require even geometric feature extraction, but rather relied on a non-rigid deformation scheme that was similar to iterated closest points (ICP). The only assumption is an input geometry that has the same topology of what you would like to track. As for the ICP component, instead of doing this for the entire model, the target mesh contributes a displacement (proportional to cosine between normals) to its closest vertex on the deforming source mesh. The source mesh is then partitioned into a set of patches, and each patch tries to compute a transformation that satisfies the point-wise constraints. The positional constraint on the patch center is then used in a Laplacian (or more specifically, the As-Rigid-As-Possible (ARAP) Surface deformation framework) to deform the geometry. This is then iterated, and a new partitioning is used at each frame. To ensure some more rigidity of the model, the positional constraint on the patch center is influenced by it’s neighboring patches, as well as by the transformation of the original source mesh. Look at the paper for full details.

I needed the ARAP for some other project (see previous blog), and decided to go ahead and try to implement this (I think it was actually last Friday that I was playing around with it). Anyhow, this week I knew that I had to test it on some more realistic data; my first tests were of tracking perturbations of the same geometry (or of a deforming geometry with the same topology). To generate some synthetic data, I rendered 14 viewpoints of a synthetic human subject performing a walking motion (the motion is actually a drunk walk from the CMU motion capture database). For each time frame, I computed the visual hull and used the initial geometry to try and track the deforming geometry. This gives a consistent cross-parameterization of the meshes over the entire sequence.
After tweaking some of the parameters (e.g., the number of iterations, and the amount of rigidity, the number of patches), I was able to get some decent results. See some of the attached videos.

Links to movies (if the above didn’t work):

Source blender file (to create the sequence, some of the scripts I use often are in the text file): person-final-small

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